In the company of a gentle afternoon breeze, I look at my younger self playing around. As I remember the time I fell while playing with my whole family, a flood of memories reverberated through my mind.
A timid child, who once hesitated to engage with others aside from her mother, has blossomed into a young person surrounded by kind-hearted people around her. She remembered how long the process was to be able to accept herself as she was — and now she had reached that point.
Chuckling, she reminisced about the weightiness of past burdens, now finding solace in embracing the unfolding events of her life with a lighter heart. Those who once doubted her have ultimately fostered her understanding of life’s processes, guiding her to move beyond mere instant gratification and embrace the journey itself.
Encountering numerous individuals throughout her life led her to realize that people come and go, and she takes many lessons from every encounter in her life.
She had grown accustomed to being strict with herself, neglecting to nurture her soul as it gradually acquainted itself with its wounds. Oh, unattended wounds only breed stubbornness and restlessness, hindering her from truly embracing and living her life to the fullest.
That’s roughly the picture when I reminisce about my childhood, and now a time when I’ve managed to let go of much of the bitterness that once clouded my memories.
I asked myself, If you met the younger you, what would you say?
If I met her at that time, I would say “Ah, such is the ebb and flow of life,” I mused, contemplating the future.
I’ll endeavor to shower her with countless hugs, hoping to soften her soul and prevent it from hardening as swiftly as it tends to do.
I would advise her not to allow herself to be defined solely by the words of those who seek to diminish her.
I would encourage her to stay gentle and to avoid hurting herself when the bitterness of life’s trials weighs heavily upon her.
Amidst her loss, I yearned for her to understand that it’s acceptable to embrace sadness and validate every emotion she experiences. No one else could fully comprehend her feelings, thus it was crucial for her not to forsake herself during her darkest moments.
I want her to embrace the inner child wound she has carried since before birth, reassuring her that she bears no blame for what transpired before her arrival into the world.
I want her to understand that she has triumphed over all she once feared and has remained inherently good throughout her journey.
I want her to embark on the journey of embracing all forms of healthy love while leaving behind the unhealthy expressions of affection she encountered since childhood.
I will say loudly to her, who occasionally still feels insecure, “Hey, just take a moment to see where you are now. You have grown well and are surrounded by many souls who genuinely accept and support you through thick and thin.”
The last one, I want her to recognize that she has consistently evolved into a better and more valuable individual for those around her. I urge her not to overlook the importance of thanking herself for persistently growing despite any challenges she may face. Hopefully, in the future, unhealthy forms of affection will cease for her, coming to an end with herself.
Aaand the most important is, I hope she finds solace in forgiving herself for the mistakes she has made along the way.
Let yourself greet the latest version of your being, as a dawn welcomes the first light of day.