To the person who still remain like i met seven years ago..
Just like the meaning of her name, she brings so much peace around her. To get to know her is one of gratitude in my life.
I adore her as a pretty and funny best friend. I always learn a lot from my fellows, including Salma. She can be so naive sometimes, perhaps that’s the reason to keep her kind to others.
For me, she is one of the bravest girls I know. Not because she is overseas, yet she has the courage to pursue what she wants in life, builds self-worth, and (indirectly) she has inspired some of the people around her.
I thank God for having a friend like her and creating so many moments. Please, if you read this, always remember when we had facials and it turned out that there was a class in campus. That’s one of those moments I will cherish forever *laughing*.
Dearest Salma,
Whatever life brings you in the future, I hope you know that you have a lot of things to be proud of.
You have such a good sense of humor that it surprised me at first because you seem so introverted.
As time goes by, I realized that when you give a joke, it just shows that you have good emotional intelligence.
OH! and not only because of that,
The way you going through your life’s troubles,
The way you are patient in many situations,
Also the way you keep going in the midst of chaos.
I think so many people would be proud of how far you’ve come. As Aisa said "stay humble and down to earth" *laughing again*
In this phrase, I am not hyperbole. I’m just saying what it is. Keep being you cause we are always proud of you. Please take it as a note!
Warm regards,
your retjeh friend